Legal information
Zauberkabinett-Shop in the Hotel zum Zauberkabinett
Alexander Romer
In Fuchswinkel 1
83670 Bad Heilbrunn
Telephone: ++49 (0) 8046 9183-0
Fax: -10
E-Mail: shop @
The Zauberkabinett-Shop is represented by Alexander Römer.
Registration court: district court of Wolfratshausen
Tax office: Bad Tölz
Sales tax identification number: DE 310 155 483
WEEE reg. no. : DE 40398876
LUCID Reg. No.: DE2281468483362
The European Commission provides a platform for online dispute resolution (OS).
You can find the platform at
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for the content of external links.
The operators of the linked pages are solely responsible for their content.
For e-mail contact please use the form on the contact page
Copyright information: layout and design, as well as graphics, texts and images
This website is copyrighted and may only be used with permission
be reused. All rights reserved!
Zauber-Fondue® and Zauberkabinett® are protected and registered
Brands in terms of their meaning.
Unauthorized use and/or copying are punishable.